Colleges with Programs for Learning Disabled Students
Almost all colleges and universities provide some level of services and/or accommodations for learning disabled students, as mandated by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The colleges and universities listed below go a step further...they offer programs, some quite comprehensive, designed to support students with learning disabilities.
By clicking on the names of the colleges and universities below, you will be taken to the pages of their websites which detail their learning disabilities programs and, in most cases, list the names of and contact information for, staff able to answer your questions.
Adelphi University
Albion College
Alfred University
American International College
American University
Anderson University
Andrew College
Augsburg College
Baylor University
Barry University
Beacon College
Boston University
California State University Fullerton
Centenary College
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
Community College of Allegheny County
College of Charleston
College of Mount St. Joseph
College of St. Catherine
Colorado School of Mines
Columbia College- Chicago
Creighton University
Curry College
De Paul University
Diablo Valley College
East Carolina University
Eastern New Mexico University- Roswell
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Finlandia University
Gannon University
Hofstra University
Iona College
​Iowa State University
Johnson State College
Kent State University
Landmark College
La Roche College
Lee University
Limestone College
Lincoln College
Long Island University/
C.W. Post Campus
Loras College
Louisburg College
Lynn University
Manhattanville College
Marist College
Marshall University
Marymount Manhattan College
Menlo College
Mercyhurst College
Meredith College
Messiah College
Missouri State University
Mitchell College
Morningside College
Muskingum College
New York Institute of Technology
Nicholls State University
Northeastern University
Notre Dame College
Pacific University
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rocky Mountain College
Roosevelt University
St. Ambrose University
St. Mary's University of Minnesota
St. Michael's College
Santa Monica College
Schreiner University
Southeast Missouri State University
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Southern Oregon University
Southern Vermont College
State University of New York College at Oneonta
Texas State University-San Marcos
Texas Tech University
University of Akron
University of Arizona
University of Connecticut
University of Denver
University of Indianapolis
University of Iowa
University of Memphis
University of Minnesota at Duluth
University of the Ozarks
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
University of Wisconsin- Whitewater
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Ursuline College
Villanova University
Waldorf College
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Westminster College
Xavier University
Please note, some of links below may have changed or the web page has been moved or re-located, visit www.college-scholarships.com for more information.